where to begin? well it's been about 10 months since i moved out of THE bubble into a different bubble, rancho bernardo, a suburb of san diego and i'm already looking to move back and vanpool to work as soon as my lease ends. as soon as i got the call that i had a job waiting for me, i was happier than ginger kids on crack. i was moved out and ready to go in less than a week. living alone was cool for the first month or so because you can do whatever you want, sleep naked, watch tv naked, drink naked, but when you start cooking naked it starts to get a little weird. anyways, for those of you that know me best, you know that aside from God, family, friends and crap there are only two things in life that i truly love: brazilian jiu jitsu and food, pretty much all i do nowadays.
pretty much my daily routine:
a little bit of this after work
a little bit of that (spicy tuna-don with canned tuna. limited ingredients because i'm too lazy to go to the market. not bad though.)

and a lot of this on the weekends! mmmm! grilled artichokes and prime rib.
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